Giving Day 2024

6th June 2024

Potential Imagined!

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated in Giving Day. The collective impact of our community joining hands ensures that two more students will experience a transformative journey. The ripple effect of your choices, actions, and boundless generosity uphold a legacy established two centuries ago.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Our goal was to bring our community together to enable two more students to benefit from an All Hallows' education. You have exceeded our hopes in every way.

Together we have made an extraordinary difference – thank you!

We are so very grateful to all our generous match donors whose generosity has amplified our efforts to reach our goal – thank you!

If you still wish to support the Catherine McAuley Bursary this Giving Day, the "Donate Now" button remains active. While we can no longer match your gift, any gifts, large or small have impact.

Once again, thank you for coming together and investing in the journey of others.

Raised so far


Number of donors




Contact Email:
Campaign Contact No: 07 3230 9532





Thank you to our Match Donors

Thank you to our Donors

Spread the word!